HEYCHERI: the unemployed deluded botched Republican empath

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Re: HEYCHERI: the unemployed deluded botched Republican empath

Post by Kimchi_ »

exliberalfriend wrote:
Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:33 pm
Hey everyone. So, I think this is going to be a long post, I apologize in advance for that but I think I have a lot to say. I used to be one of Cheri's "friends". I was never super close with her like on a one on one level, although we would sometimes have personal conversations. However our "friendship" just ended very recently. I've known Cheri since 2013. I found out about this website when someone on here made a tumblr about her and then tagged some of her friends on their social media accounts. So I have known about this website for a long time now and I completely understand why people talk about her. Anyways, I've seen this girl through so many of her phases. I've also seen her through relationships and break ups with different men (all of the guys she dated too were also complete trash, and I want to mention Tony specifically, because while Cheri is horrible, he was not some saint either --- Trash really does attract trash). I stayed her friend even though I found her online presence extremely annoying. In person, while she could be a bit aloof, she was generally nice and fun to be around. However, I always felt conflicted with her. Mostly with how she would treat her friends (from stories I heard) or the problematic and completely childish things she would say on Twitter. Like for example, shaming sex work, but also participating in it. And talking about how petite and tiny she is and how people are jealous of her. It was weird, for sure. But I never confronted her about any of it. I'm not a confrontational person and because of that I felt it was best to not ever say anything in order to keep the peace in our friend group.

But then she became a Trump supporter. Which was completely shocking to me and many of our friends. We know it has everything to do with her (ex) boyfriend, Evan, although to be honest none of us really got to know him. I only met him once. She made her politicheri account and it was so hard for us to watch. She was still our friend, and she was someone who we felt empathy for at certain times in her life and we genuinely cared about her as a person, even if we had conflicting feelings about her. But the vile, horrendous things she started to talk about on her Twitter was just really hard to digest.

And as a side note, she claims she was a liberal who walked away and became conservative... however, she was never a fucking liberal. She never cared about politics before, at ALL. She just regurgitated everything she heard and believed that meant she was a liberal or some shit (and this is VERY obvious in her dumb pinned video on her politicheri twitter account).

Anyways, a mutual friend and I tried to have conversations with her about her views on politics and things she believed in. We tried really hard to empathize with her while also offering differing views, but she is so egocentric that I don't even think she heard any of it. And it was hard to talk about because any time someone would bring up her Twitter, she would get defensive and freak out that any of her friends would be looking at her Twitter account. As if it's not a public account. But okay.

This went on for a few months, where we only talked to her a couple of times. But in the wake of the state of our country, and the recent murder of George Floyd, I was so confused with the fact that Cheri decided to use her public platform to continue to align herself with Trump supporters and chose to focus on the looting over the unjustifiable death of a black man by police. I reached out to her to ask her what her thoughts were on Black Lives Matter and George Floyd. The conversation was... Well let's just say she isn't really easy to talk to. She would go on and on (she types fucking fast), and then ask what I thought, but then would just keep talking. It was really hard to get a word in at all. Eventually she said she had to go, and it didn't even feel like we had an actual conversation. As she was leaving the conversation, she told me to "not to get worked up and let it (George Floyd's death) disturb my peace". It came off as condescending. I told her that that's an extreme privilege which most people don't have. She then said that I'm "allowed to feel guilt about my privilege" along with disingenuously telling me that she supports me. So I said " I think that this is also why people are outraged. Because racism exists --- and Trump supporters claim they aren't racist, but they also aren't very good allies to black people and minorities." And she completely snapped. She went on about how I lumped Trump supporters all together and that I am attacking her even though she "agreed" with me on every point I made. (Although, I never made any solid points during our conversation because she talked the entire time).

And this set me off. So I said " You've prioritized being outraged about a lot of other things on your Twitter Cheri, so that's why I am confused. I'm confused about where you stand on lots of things. I haven't seen that outrage about George Floyd on your Twitter. I had to ask you about it. If we didn't have this conversation I wouldn't know where you stand. And this is how the majority of people view you. This is why I am confused. This is why you aren't a good ally, and it doesn't appear that you care. It's a fact. Because you speak out about the riots but not the actual murder? Because you excuse that white lady for calling the cops on the black man because he offered her dog treats? Those are the things you chose to be outraged about on your public platform, which yes, many of your friends look at. And it was confusing. Because you're telling me that you are upset about George Floyd being murdered, and I believe that. But again, I didn't know that until I asked." She then proceeded to tell me that I need therapy, that I have emotional issues, and that she didn't want to be my friend anymore. I told her that that was an immature reaction. She then went on to question if I was stalking her, and told me she feels like I'm obsessive. She also "quoted" me twice but with things that I DIDN'T EVEN SAY. It was very weird. She would put in quotes something that I didn't even say, and then go on a rant about it. She could have, at the very least, asked for clarification about things I said, instead of misconstruing everything and responding to her own interpretations. But nope. She would also type so fast that it was hard for me to even respond or even defend myself. And then she unfriended and blocked me, and proceeded to tweet about me.

On her Twitter she tweeted multiple things out of context about our conversation. Which was funny to me because just earlier in our conversation she was complaining about how the "left" leaves things out and doesn't provide context and so she doesn't believe anything anymore. She also said hateful things, like that I'm a lunatic and have Trump derangement syndrome (not a real thing). And this was insane to me. And to be honest, as a person with feelings, I was hurt by it. And I felt gaslighted by her. I felt like it was my fault that our friendship ended because I didn't "speak to her with compassion". Even though my emotional attachment to Cheri was low, I still had some level of attachment to her and our friendship. And it's completely fucked up to me that she could drop someone she called a friend so easily and so maliciously. And it's fucked up that I had to watch as she went on a Twitter tirade about me, and I didn't get any say. One of our friends was in the group chat and witnessed the whole thing. She privately messaged Cheri and tried to reiterate to her that I wasn't stalking her (Cheri thinks a lot of people are stalkers, and I just really didn't want her to have that view of me in that moment when she was ending our friendship, although now, after processing everything, I really don't care what she thinks). But every time our friend said this to Cheri, Cheri didn't even acknowledge it. Because she knows the truth, and she knows the truth doesn't fit her narrative. My friend also tried to tell Cheri that I was essentially right, without flat out saying I was right (because we have to show so much empathy and compassion with Cheri in order for her to even talk to us, pretty toxic) and Cheri didn't even listen to any of it. She just went on and on about how upset she is and how I put my all of my emotions on her. To this day, she tweets about how I told her she wasn't a good ally to black people and has also grossly misconstrued what I was trying to say to her. She continues to tweet about how all of her "ex liberal friends" want her to use her platform to serve their agendas, which is never what I said to her. I just told her that it was confusing when she would post stuff that would be in direct opposition of what any person who actually cared about Black Lives Matter would post, and I was trying to understand why she would do that if she would so easily tell me in private that she does care about George Floyd. She also continues to make fun of "white guilt" on Twitter and associates "guilt" as something negative, when in reality having awareness of our privilege helps us fight systemic racism. She also somehow thinks she's absolved from this since she is Asian, which was obvious when someone asked if being half Asian counted on her Twitter (I don't remember the context lol). But basically someone tweeted to her "I'm half Asian, does that count?" And she says "well that depends on what your other half is. If you're half white, you have to be guilty for your white privilege to be considered a black ally, and you have to constantly scream about it all day every day". Which I am pretty sure is in reference to me since I am half white and half Asian. It's obvious that she doesn't understand what privilege is, and it's obvious that she uses her race to absolve her from recognizing any privilege she holds. She also says she doesn't subscribe to "identity politics", which is just hilarious to me since she uses her own race to absolve herself and also has said, more than once, "I have a black brother in law". She also has this narrative that even if she "agrees" with liberals, they will still think Trump supporters are evil. She got this narrative from my conversation with her, in which she said a lot of stuff that she thought I wanted to hear, and twisted that to mean that she was "agreeing with me". And because I still had my own opinions, that meant I was being mean or something. She is completely, completely delusional. And I can share the screen shots to our conversation if you guys want.

I always knew Cheri had some sort of mental issue. But I never really experienced it. I also haven't had a conversation with someone like that ... Since early highschool? Like who tells one of their friends that they need therapy as an insult? So I'm actually grateful she did what she did. I have been conflicted about our friendship for a long time. And now it's completely clear to me how delusional she is. My friends and I would always question her sanity. We never really knew for sure what was going on, but this really solidifies that she makes up lies because she can't face the truth. And she has no true identity, which is why when I told her that Trump supporters aren't good allies to minorities, she read that as a personal attack against her. I mean, to be fair, I understand why she would feel that way but I also didn't say straight out that I was talking about her.

Anyways, I came here because I wanted to share this experience I had with Cheri. Never thought I would post here but I feel justified because she's not just an ignorant person. She's fucking mean. And definitely, definitely not an empath. In conversations, she's super bubbly and agreeable, but everything is about herself. And while I've had some genuine conversations with her, everything mostly felt very surface level or it was about her problems. If you say something that she relates to, she can "feign" empathy for that. She'll be like "YESSS OH MY GOD, ME TOO hehehhehe". But she never really listens or hears you. Iono. She is definitely not someone I would choose to be friends with and had she not been a part of my friend group, I would never ever keep up a friendship with someone like her.
omg yessss sis release those screenshots!!!

so sorry you had to deal with this leech IRL. yikes.

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Re: HEYCHERI: the unemployed deluded botched Republican empath

Post by TurnipVein »

@exliberalfriend - thank you for sharing your experience in such a candid and thoughtful way. It can be so difficult to have this sort of politically charged conversations with people and it takes true friendship to try to have them in a civil fashion (which obviously you wanted to do, and it's not at all your fault she was unwilling to reciprocate!). The fact that she's such a difficult immature human, as well as that your conversation took place over the internet, makes things all the more challenging.

The line that stuck out to me the most was "because we have to show so much empathy and compassion with Cheri in order for her to even talk to us" - that is so telling and likely underlies many of her current life disasters. She really isn't capable of being an adult if that is how she has to be handled. How can she truly have a stable romantic relationship, hold down a job, or maintain her friendships if she has such fragile self-esteem that she requires that kind of treatment?

Kudos to you for remaining friends with her this long - I hope you have started to recover from the toxic conversations you've had with her! IMO part of how she reacts to her delusions (thanks to her personality disorder) is lashing out at people disproportionately, which she seems to have done to you. I.e., she has delusions that you have hurt her so because of her narcissism/borderline/histrionic (I feel like she has components of multiple) personality disorder she attempts to sever the friendship and hurt you the way you have "hurt" her by lying about you and posting about you on social media etc. Not that you should accept my amateurish attempts at psychoanalysis at face value, partially because I'm not trained in it and partially because I don't know her personally, but perhaps some aspects of what I've said ring true and help with your healing process.

I was attributing her interactions with gross men on the internet to shameless pandering in order to get their money - however I do wonder based on the above if there is a huge component of her receiving validation from these people, and interacting with them because they bolster her flagging self-esteem. It really seems that these creepy weirdos are part of her support network and that is so disgusting but also so sad. I attempted to attach a deleted tweet which supports this - says "I was sad. try not to hurt baby's feelings". Not sure if she's speaking to her ex when she writes that but obviously it's seen by everybody, pervy dudes included. She has alienated so many people IRL that she has to resort to this and that has to be so lonely!

Looking at her 5 year goals is so so tragic...she really has such a high opinion of herself (probably easy to cultivate when you have perverts online constantly telling you only what you want to hear and you ignore all other comments!!). She is going to wake up someday and realize that she's got nothing. No friends, no husband, no money, no career, and all through her own desperate self-serving mistakes. I would feel bad for her if she weren't such a nasty vindictive MAGA-touting self-obsessed lazy dingbat. I also think she has been given many chances to be a less gross person, by people like exliberalfriend, and she has dismissed them.

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Re: HEYCHERI: the unemployed deluded botched Republican empath

Post by zenichi »

Share at least one screenshot so we can show people how wild her texting is!

Reading that was almost triggering because I remember having the same 10 : 1 conversation with her when we ended our friendship. I explained to her that she only contacts me when she's run out of other friends and that her personality was so hard to be around I had lost respect for her and essentially just didn't like her. I even told her it doesn't make sense to be friends with someone (me) who doesn't even like her. She took it really bad and called me a two-faced bitch and "pushing my insecurities on her" which is comical. We ended our friendship in 2013 so there might be some cross-over. I'm honestly very impressed you managed to stay her friend for so long. She's insufferable...

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Re: HEYCHERI: the unemployed deluded botched Republican empath

Post by rooibostree »

What do you think her top 3 worst phases are? I think her top 3 worst phases are her intellectual phase, sex worker 2.0 phase, and now this Trump lover phase. This Trump phase is her worst phase by far.

Her intellectual phase was obnoxious and annoying, sure, but at least her stupidity didn't hurt anyone else. We collectively rolled our eyes when she misunderstood book quotes, or when she tried and failed to explain quantum physics, or when she thought she was a know-it-all genius who "wrote" a book but that was it.

Her sex worker phase 2.0 was the next most annoying phase. The way she dragged sex workers for "baring it all" when she claimed that she did no work but got rewards was incredibly disrespectful and rude. The way she put down others, and sat on her high horse and acted like SWs were beneath her was so disgusting. But turns out, she was camming the whole time revealing everything, objects in coochie and all. When she was caught and her camming identity cover was blown, at least it was entertaining to watch.

But this phase. Her whole politicheri twitter just makes me uncomfortable. The messages she is sending out is actually harmful, and she's surrounding herself with an audience of sexist racists who act like an echo chamber to her thoughts. Terrifying.

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Re: HEYCHERI: the unemployed deluded botched Republican empath

Post by crazycheri »

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Re: HEYCHERI: the unemployed deluded botched Republican empath

Post by ZenCat »

Are those tweets meant to be hot? Super #ihavesex material and unconvincing.


WTF happened to her face. Can't tell if it's bad facetune, bad filters or bad fillers. She looks old and haggard. The space between her brow and lips is like a foot long.

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Re: HEYCHERI: the unemployed deluded botched Republican empath

Post by graylights »

she KNOWS evan has a degree and a professional job/future and the fact that she's still using an account under his name to post shit like that is absolutely inconsiderate and shows that she knows ZERO about the professional world because she's never worked a day in it.

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Re: HEYCHERI: the unemployed deluded botched Republican empath

Post by Honeyboo »


Does she not own any lip balm/aquaphor? Yikes. Her lips are always so crusty.

Cheri, since I know you read here: FACETUNE YOUR CRUSTY ASS, NASTY SCALY LIPS!

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Re: HEYCHERI: the unemployed deluded botched Republican empath

Post by devilboy »

Surprised this thread hasn't been updated in a while. In that time, she's had at least two more phases: fountain pen/planner instagrammer and "illustrator" as Eggbunni. And she may have tried to grift as a christian influencer with Biblebunni which didn't take off?

Her Trump/alt-right grift got her ousted from a fountain pen community: https://www.reveddit.com/v/fountainpens ... n_a_brief/

And the community she managed to worm her way in made a post about it, cause a bunch of people to reach out to brands that had sponsored her: https://www.reveddit.com/v/fountainpens ... nt_events/

Several brands dropped her after finding out, such as Esterbrook, Pen Boutique, Lochby, and Ferris Wheel Press. Although some posters found that a big brand, Endlesspens, was following her redpill account before they got called out on it! They're still following her though, and Van Ness Pens are too, which are pretty big brands, and apparently one brand was just waiting for things to "cool off" to start working with her again.

She had a meltdown on Tumblr where she claimed to have "helped pioneer the blogosphere." She's also now claiming the ~evil dems~ are bullying her and that she was just an innocently "asking questions" on her alt-right accounts. Too bad her politicheri accounts was suspended - because there were so many racist and ignorant posts (though I did find some on waybackmachine, including her using the pocahontas slur and covid denial). Although at least redpillfairy https://www.instagram.com/redpillfairy/ and redpillreport https://www.instagram.com/redpillreport/ are still up.

Too bad the internet is forever, and there's a drive full of videos of her at the January 6 insurrection, defending them for straight up breaking into the Capitol building. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/fold ... 6z3FEjuPym

Apparently, she's moved on from fountain pens (I'm wondering if the subreddit banned her? Or maybe her reputation is so bad she gave up and moved on) and is focusing on pencils and gouache. She's been using her eggbunni insta, tiktok, and twitter to play artist. I wonder how long until her screwed up redpill past will come back to bite her? I'm shocked she was able to keep up eggbunni for so long without being called out, she even had redpillfairy in her linktree for a while! People really get mesmerized by aesthetic insta feeds I guess.

Sherilynn Macale
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